Performance and Motivation with Nationwide Building Society.


Performance, motivation and an experimental approach to culture change.

Our approach to culture at Nationwide Building Society reversed many of the traditional ways we think about change. Critically, we put control and flexibility in the hands of local teams. It’s why the outputs were grounded in operational context and could be tailored to a radical diversity of strengths and needs.

We hope others will take inspiration from the design of our TeamTalk intervention, but also the way we evaluated its impact. The precision of our experiment means that we can scale to the 18,000 people of Nationwide with full confidence in the benefit it will offer them, their teammates, and the society they serve.

Click here or below to download the report.

You can also read about the partnership in the Financial Conduct Authority’s Discussion Paper on Purpose and Culture, released in March 2020.

We’re here to bring behavioural science to the workplace.
