The Inclusion Programme

Our Education ProgrammE: A 3-day course on behavioural science and INCLUSION AT WORK.


The Inclusion Programme is for organisations who want to maximise their contribution to workplace equality with behavioural science. It is designed for teams of 3-5 colleagues - working directly in D&I or in influential functions like HR, Communications or Transformation - who will work together to turn learning into action after the course.

Our first Inclusion Programme in October 2019 was attended by the Cabinet Office, the Home Office, Phoenix Group, Ericsson, BT and Transport for London. Attendees came from everywhere from Panama to the US to Sweden, and from People Analytics to D&I to Functional HR Leadership.

‘This was probably the most impactful 3 days of my personal development journey over the last 10 years. I am now looking at all of my work through a new lens and I’m really motivated to start testing long-held beliefs more thoroughly. It’s given me a new found confidence to really find out what works and to be part of an emerging movement committed to truly evidence based interventions that will deliver change.’
— Frances McAndrew, D&I Lead for Transport for London

The syllabus introduces the potential of behavioural science, before covering the three core stages of its application. By the end of the programme, attendees will have the skills to think critically about inclusion initiatives, apply cutting-edge behavioural insight to their work, and design and run effective experiments for their organisations:

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1- #ThinkSmall

Identify solvable, measurable exclusion problems with behavioural insight and design thinking.

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2-Behavioural Design

Create ‘in-the-moment’ interventions with the MINDSPACE framework.

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3 - #TestLearnAdapt

Put your work to the test, and contribute to collective progress with shareable research.


The #TestLearnAdapt component is led by our Academic Advisor, Dr Oliver Hauser. Oliver is a fellow of the Women and Public Policy Program at Harvard University, a regular contributor to Harvard Business School, and currently teaches the MBA programme at Exeter University. He is an affiliated academic with the UK Government Equalities Office.

To apply, you’ll need to register 3-5 placements from your organisation. As part of your involvement, we suggest your team is tasked with a specific inclusion challenge following the programme. We will host a alumni event later in 2020 to share progress and findings, and keep the community together.

The course is £3425 + VAT per attendee and will be held in April 2020. To register your interest, please get in touch below.
