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Our Purpose


A better workplace, for a better world.


The workplace is not an island. Large organisations are deeply interconnected with our society, reflecting and influencing the world outside: they can be a force for good and an engine for growth.

It's why we partner with clients who share our belief in social purpose. We're here to push the boundaries of what that can achieve.

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Our role

A partner for the

A better workplace needs more than quick wins and short term-profit. We see the potential for longer-term behaviour change everywhere: in high-performance, inspiring leadership and innovative workplace culture. By combining behavioural science, communications and design we create solutions with an enduring impact. 


What is Behavioural Science?

The cross-disciplinary, open-minded science of understanding how people behave.

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What is the impact?

Small changes, enormous potential

Whether your organisation is 200 or 200,000-strong, small changes in collective behaviour can hold enormous potential. If behavioural tweaks to a letter can return £200m more tax on time for the UK Government, what can they do for the effectiveness of your talent attraction or employee communications? If robust evidence has shown unconscious bias training to have limited impact on behaviour, how should you invest your budget to create a fairer environment for your employees? If the correlation between variable pay and performance is non-existent, what motivational levers can you trust to inspire your teams to high performance?

You've come this far.
Let's bounce around some ideas.